
How does the pulse curve relate to the 120/80 we know?

T1 is the the Systolic pressure (120). The pressure drops rapidly from T1 with a small bump at T3. This bump is the effect of the reflected wave adding to the pressure from the heart. At T4the heart valve closes, and the pressure drops down to the lowest pressure (rest) or diastolic pressure (80)before the process is repeated during the next pulse. Stiffer arteriesmakeT3move right and up. T3 canexceed T1to become the new Systolic pressure. The heart has to work against this back-pressure and must pump harder and longer each time, with less resting time.

How is arterial stiffness related to BP?

When the large arteries become stiff (and narrow), resistance and BP increase and so does cardiovascular risk.

What can be done about high arterial stiffness?

  •  Variable pace exercise relaxes arteries

  • Lifestyle modifications could relax arteries

  • Some (but not all) hypertension drugs reduce arterial stiffness by relaxing the muscles in the artery wall.

  • New drugs are being developed to target the arterial stiffness.

  • Your doctor can advise about the best treatment and management for cardiovascular health.

Pulse rate

Pulse rate reflects your heartbeat. A slower rate indicates a level of fitness or the effect of medication. Normal rates are between 60 and 80 beats per minute. Below is everything you need to know about your upper arm blood pressures numbers as per NICE guidelines.

How is central blood pressure different from conventional blood pressure?

Conventional BP is measured in the upper arm and is called brachial BP. Brachial BP is usually higher than central BP. Central BP is the pressure at the heart. 

The pressure at your heart is the pressure that your brain, kidneys, other vital organs and arteries experience. Therefore, the pressure that causes damage. A safe central systolic pressure is less than 130, however less than 110 is ideal.

What is the Rhythm strip?

A 10 second snap shot of the pump action of your heart tells us if there are any irregularities in your pulse rhythm. The Pulse Rate Variability confirms irregularities. If any irregularities are noticed, you may be referred to your doctor for further investigation to rule out Atrial Fibrillation, a major cause of stroke.


Looking after your heart is important.

Understanding the health of your arteries and heart can help you to make informed choices to keep your heart healthy. Ask your health team for advice. They can help you monitor your progress to a healthier you. After all, 10mmHg reduction in systolic pressure reduces the chance of a cardiovascular event by 20%.


Common forms of heart disease are:

•   Coronary heart diseasewhere the flow of blood to the heart becomes restricted causing heart attacks and angina

•   Peripheral vascular diseasewhich causes a narrowing of the arteries in the legs

•   A strokewhich is caused by a lack of oxygen reaching the brain due to either a burst or blocked artery

By checking heart health and cholesterol, risks are identified early, and preventative actions can be taken.



What causes heart disease?

Heart disease, also known as cardiovascular disease, covers a range of conditions affecting the heart and arteries. Healthy arteries are supple and benefit you heart. Healthy arteries are less likely to have cholesterol build-up as they are also smoother on the inside. Stiffer and narrowed arteries make your heart work harder, allowing less time to recover after each pulse. Your heart gets worn out and heart disease follows. Age, smoking, lack of exercise, weight, stress, diabetes, cholesterol or your genes are some of the factors affecting arterial health. 



You are at risk if:

•   you’re over 40 years old

•   you’re of South Asian or African-Caribbean descent

•   you have any immediate family members under the age of 55 if male and 65 if female who have or had heart disease or high blood pressure

•   you have high blood pressure or a family history of high cholesterol levels

•   you are a smoker, overweight or lead an inactive life

•   you have more than 2-3 units of alcohol a day

•   you have a high salt diet or little fruit and vegetables a day

For further information visit https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/nhs-health-check/your-nhs-health-check-results-and-action-plan/