Operating BP+
Sit adequately upright, comfortable, relaxed and at rest with back support for at least 5 minutes
Both feet flat on the ground, arm resting palm down on a flat surface
Cease talking and avoid any movement
Choose a cuff of the correct size (See range markings on the cuff)
Apply deflated cuff to left upper arm unless contraindicated with marker over brachial artery (inner arm)
Cuff should be firm but not tightly. Avoid thick clothes and bunching up clothing above the cuff.
Do not apply cuff to broken skin to avoid cross infection and reduce further abrasion.
Support patient’s arm on a stable horisontal surface at the approximate level of the patient’s heart and held away from torso.
It is best the patient does not watch the screen to avoid “white coat” syndrome*.
*frequent or continuous elevations of blood pressure in clinical settings that exceed those measured during home monitoring by the patient.
Start new screen in the portal and refrain from talking to the patient while the measurement is taken.
Do a second measurement after the first measurement is finished. Even a third if there is significant differences between first and second. Use the median of the three measurements.
Based on peripheral blood pressure, who would you treat?
The 3rd patient should be on medication according to NICE guidelines.
Peripheral BP has been the basis of treatment for over 100 years. Central BP is the pressure that affects the internal organs. Peripheral and central BP may differ by up to 40 mmHg and respond differently to medication.
In this case it is the first patient who needs treatment.
How is central BP measured with the Medi-stats BP+?
Using the familiar cuff method the brachial BP is measured.
The cuff inflates to a suprasystolic pressure and measure the central BP accurately. This is the most accurate and useful information for optimal treatment.
The rhythm strip can indicate arrhythmias.
The pulse pressure wave:
The shape of the PP wave is an indication of the stiffness of the arteries and provides a visual indication of the vascular resistance.
The Medi-stats BP+ device revolutionises central blood pressure measurement using non-invasive suprasystolic technology.
It is quick and easy to use and raises the standard of care for patients.